Herbal First Aid Essentials

$30 per person

Wednesday May 8th, 6:30 to 8pm

Online via Zoom (link will be sent out prior to class meeting time)

Want to give your First Aid Kit an herbal upgrade? We will go over a few versatile herbal extractions to have on hand for healing, as well as how to craft them yourself or where to buy them. I’ll demonstrate how and when to work with these remedies, as well as which items in your store bought kit to keep or replace.

Some of the herbs we will discuss include usnea, yarrow, calendula, and arnica.

Class Registration

Upon hitting Submit, you will be directed to the page with payment instructions. After your payment is submitted, you’ll receive an email within 4 days confirming your enrollment in the class. Enrollments without payments will not reserve your space in class.