Healing is not just physical- it’s also mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Private Consultations

  • Plant Medicine

    I can help you decide which plants might be helpful to work with on your healing journey. Whether you are in need of a plant’s physical medicine or energetic medicine, I will custom create a plant remedy and teach you how to determine your dosage.

  • Yoga

    Practices that align our body and mind are powerful tools. Working with breath, movement, and nervous system regulation, I will design custom movement, breath work, and meditation practices to support your journey to well being.

  • Ritual

    Ritual and ceremony are physical ways to engage with nonphysical energies. Whether it’s working with difficult emotions, grieving a loss, opening your mindset to abundance, healing emotional wounds, or cleansing your space or your body, I can show you how to create ritual practices that will support a more conscious and embodied way of living.

  • Comprehensive Consult

    Some of the most effective approaches include approaching dis- ease from the outside in as well as the inside out. Working with many modalities, I will guide you on a journey of self empowerment, alignment, and finding ease.


Email Consultation……………$25

Ask one question via email, and receive a short but custom response with a suggestion of a practice or plant and how to work with it.

Phone Consultation……………$50

We will have a 15 minute phone call to discuss your needs, and you will receive a follow up email with a personalized plant or practice recommendation.

Full Consultation……………….$125

Complete an intake form, and spend up to an hour with me discussing your needs. This will include a custom plant preparation, yoga or meditation practice, ritual, or whatever is called for.

Followup Consultations…………$75

After the Full Consultation, we will meet again to discuss what is working and what is still needed and add in other plants or practices to your routine.

Let’s work together